Halloween this year was a lot of fun
Bella and Boston helping me with my costume. We love our Bella!
The finished product. I was pretty proud of my costume this year cause it was the first year I actually put some thought into it. Every other year I just throw something together last minute. The young men and young women put on a carnival for the primary kids and it was a total success. I was in charge of the donut eating contest. The kids loved all the activities and all the candy they got. The costumes were adorable too!
The annual family Halloween party. We had it up in Logan this year and had a blast like always! The kids loved the balloons on my costume. That's why a few are missing. They had too much fun playing with them and then a couple popped in their face!
Andersen family. The bubble bath was my favorite!
Krystle the fairy and Anna the beautiful princess warrior!
My amish husband and Mufasa! Thanks to my neighbor Carie for letting Boston borrow this costume. She made it for her son when he was 2 and he's 13 now but still had it. So when I mentioned to her that Boston wanted to be Mufasa from Lion King she said she had the perfect costume and it really was perfect! He was so darn cute!
Last year the Kendalls invited us to trick or treat at Lee's and it was so much fun we did it again this year and with the Abbotts too. We could hardly keep up with Boston and Hunter cause they were running through the store so fast! Aren't they adorable! And yes Boston is in flip flops because as we were finding shoes to leave, I found Carter in the bathroom playing with Boston's shoes in the toilet...yum huh...
My sweet little puppy! So then we headed over to the new library in South Ogden with the Housers. They had a really cute party going on with lots of activities. The kids didn't have much attention to do the crafts but they did fish and golf. Then we found a room that had these weird lookin pillow/chair things and that was the highlight of the day for them. I couldn't get a decent picture of them all because they were too busy running around! But they had fun and that was all that mattered!
The night before we went to my parent's trunk or treat and Boston loved that! I did too:) It was so nice to have all the cars so close together and get lots of candy in like a half hour! Boston got it this year so he was loving it. I wish I had a video of him saying trick or treat. He said it in the sweetest voice and then thanked every person that gave him candy. Love him! And Carter had a blast running up and down the parking lot until he tripped and fell. So on Halloween night we headed over to my parents and then to Ryan's parents. Boston loved handing out the candy to all the kids. He called himself the candyman! I hope you all had a safe and fun Halloween! We sure did:) Oh and welcome home David Bailey!! He's been in Alaska for the past two years serving the Lord. He's home now and gave a wonderful talk today in church. I love the spirit fresh missionaries have when they come home. It's wonderful!