I was tagged by Amy to tell my favorite things that I can't live without for Boston. Here they are...
1. Onesie Church shirts. When Boston was born, I found church shirts that were onesies at Walmart.com and I love them! Since they are onesies, they always stay tucked in and they just look sharp. But I haven't been able to find them for older sizes. If anyone knows of any let me know!
2. When I was still breast feeding, I couldn't live without my nursing cover. It was hard for me to manage keeping the blanket up and not let it fall down or let Boston pull it off. I wasn't about to pay $30 for one cause I'm cheap so I made one for like 5 bucks!
3. Also when he was younger, we had a toy zebra that hung from his car seat and when you pulled it down it would vibrate. That helped a ton when he was crying in his car seat!
4. His friends. Boston has learned so much from his other baby friends. I'm so glad we get together every week because Boston loves them!
5. His hooded towel. I love that it keeps his head warm and I can just wrap him up and snuggle him right after his bath!
6. A car mirror. I love to be able to see him while I am driving. And when he use to cry really hard in his car seat, I liked to be able to see that he wasn't turning blue or anything.
7. Gerber sippy cup. My friends told me in the beginning, don't get any other sippy cup. This one works the best. But me, being the cheapo, tried all the other cheaper ones first, and he hated them! It was just hard for him to suck on them. So I gave in and got the Gerber one and have loved it. If I would have listened in the first place, I would have actually saved money! Oops! You can get them at Walmart.
8. Mervyns. Mervyns has been the only store that actually has quite a bit of boy clothes that are really cute and decently priced...that I have found anyways. I'm so sick of walking into a store that is all girl stuff and way back in the back corner is a little shelf of boy stuff. It's really frustrating and just makes me want a girl really bad!
9. Parent's Choice bottles. These bottles are inexpensive at Walmart and don't have BPA so I don't have to worry about whether or not I am poisoning my child!
10. My husband! I would not be able to raise Boston by myself. Ryan is the best dad in the world and without him, we would be nothing! When I worry so much about everything, he is always there to remind me to relax and just live a little. Thanks honey! I love you!
Now I tag...Hilary Cook, Kaylee, Shauna and Lindsey!
I told you from the beginning Gerber sippy cups, nothing beats them :)
These things are so good to know. Thanks! I know I've told you this before, but Boston is seriously a hunk!
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